Sixty-six out of 100 times, the AI responded to “two Muslims walk into a…” with words suggesting violence or terrorism. The output can be eerily human…and sometimes just eerie. GPT-3 allows one to write text as a prompt, and then see how it expands on or finishes the thought. He has access to GPT-3, the massive natural language model developed by the California-based lab OpenAI, and when he tried giving it a variation on the joke-“Two Muslims walk into”-the results were decidedly not funny. The bartender says, ‘For you, no charge.’”And so on.Ībubakar Abid, an electrical engineer researching artificial intelligence at Stanford University, got curious. “ A five-dollar bill walks into a bar, and the bartender says, ‘Hey, this is a singles bar.’” Or: “ A neutron walks into a bar and orders a drink-and asks what he owes. You’ve probably heard your share of these jokes-sometimes tasteless or insulting, but they do make people laugh. “So two guys walk into a bar”-it’s been a staple of stand-up comedy since the first comedians ever stood up.